Thursday 18 September 2014

Becoming a mommy

Hello all and welcome back to my blog, from the title I assume you all know that my absence is due to the fact that my beautiful baby boy made his arrival. Yes, on the 14th of august 2014 at 12:47am baby Luca welcomed the world, but more on that topic if you keep reading. 

Like all of my blogs I write this stuff to help future mommys and sometimes just to get it out of my system so no negative comments. 

I'll start off with the juicy bits of my birth story because let's face it, either you have just got pregnant, your trying to get pregnant or coming to the end of your pregnancy this is the main thing we worry about and we want to know all. First of all I'm just going to tell all you expectant mothers to have a birth plan in your head but don't be upset when it doesn't go to plan, a baby is going to do what a baby wants to do. 

My initial due date was the 9th of august, so I was 40+4 when I gave birth. Keep in mind I gave birth on the Thursday. So I was in the hospital for a routine check as I was past my due date, I woke up at 10am and headed to the hospital. Getting the regular pokes and prods that happen at these checks my blood pressure was high and my pee had a small bit of protein so I was sent to the day ward to be monitored. I was checked and I had a sweep and was sent on my way. 
At 4pm I left the hospital and went to collect a suit for Shane. I have to say I was a sight for sore eyes! Sweat was pumping out of me and I was starting to get regular pains (not saying anything) we went home and I tried to have a sleep, which isn't the easiest during contractions so that didn't happen. I went down to Shane at 6 ish to tell him I was having contractions but not to get too excited, skipping forward a few hours it was now 4am still with no sleep and I was having a widdle, we were still timing contractions, I didn't even get to wipe my bum and I had already had two so they were a minute apart. 

Hospital time. 

In the hospital about 5am I was 1 cm dilated so I was left an hour in a&e to see if I progressed and I did, 2 cm. so up to the labour ward I went. 
In the labour ward I dilated to 3 cm within an hour so I was then taken to the delivery ward. I just want to say here, in the labour ward there will be women screaming ITS NOT NESSASERY! don't let it frighten you because it really is not that bad! 

Shane asleep in the labour ward. 

Anyway long story short I wasn't progressing I was 16 hours still at 3 cm and my little mans heart rate was dropping. Unfortunately the natural birth I was determined on was wiped away and thrown in the bin because I had to be prepped for an emergency c-section as much as I argued the point with the midwifes I had to get an epidural weather I wanted it or not. 

Two hours after my epidural I had finally moved from 3cm to 5cm which wasn't good enough. 11pm Wednesday night C-section still strongly on the cards the midwife checked me and we were hoping for 8cm but I was 10! Ready to meet my baby boy and ready to push! 

Shane helped with the delivery and he was so so supportive I honestly couldn't have asked him to be any better he was truly amazing! An hour of pushing (which really flys by!) baby Luca was welcomed to the world at 12:47am Thursday, weighing 9lbs and he is just beautiful! 

The one thing your not told which thankfully my mum informed me of this before hand, after you give birth, you then deliver your placenta. On your first baby it should come pretty much straight after but mine wasn't planning on coming, so again I was dosed with another whack of the epidural and prepped for a c-section.  
I told my midwife to give me a while and I will push it out because I was not about to be cut open after giving birth naturally for a placenta! So I was hooked up to an iv of hormones to speed up the process. It took an hour and it finally came I'm so thankful I really didn't want to go under the knife. 

Out of the whole experience as exhausted as I was after being awake for 40 odd hours it was the most amazing experience of my life! And I'd do it again and again and again. Before any of you are quick to judge and say it was easy because I had an epi, that is not the case the dose isn't high enough to take away from the feeling of birth, you feel every part of it but it's not excruciating and there is no need to scream. 

My two boys asleep after a long couple of days. 

The happiest day of my life was the day Luca arrived it was an emotional whirlwind, I really can't explain the feeling of meeting your baby for the first time. If you have had a baby before you will know what I mean, if you are waiting to have yours you have it to look forward to. 

Everything we go through during pregnancy and birth as up and down as it all is, becoming a mother makes it all worth it. 

My next blog will be on the first few weeks of mother hood.

If you liked this blog or think you know someone it could benefit then make sure to like and share it. 

I love you all

Bella now also known as Momma Bear. 
